Pokemon Essentials Wiki

En esta página se listan los efectos de las habilidades que existen en Pokémon Essentials. Consulte la página de Habilidades para tener más detalles sobre lo que es una habilidad.

Lista de habilidades[]

Se dispara al entrar o salir[]

Habilidad Efecto


Cuando el usuario entra en batalla, sube el Ataque del usuario en 1 nivel si la Defensa del enemigo es menor que su Defensa Especial. En caso contrario, sube 1 nivel el Ataque Especial. En batallas dobles, este efecto se aplica a la suma de las estadísticas de ambos enemigos.


En batalla: Cuando el usuario entra, baja 1 nivel el Ataque del enemigo.

Fuera de batalla: Si el usuario está en el primer lugar del equipo (aunque esté debilitado), los encuentros con un Pokémon salvaje de nivel 5 (o más) veces menor que el nivel del usuario se reduce un 50% las probabilidades de que ocurra.



Cuando el usuario entra en batalla, inicia el clima de lluvia. Este clima permanece indefinidamente, hasta que sea remplazado por otro.

Gen 6: El clima dura 5 turnos (u 8 si lleva Roca Lluvia).



Cuando el usuario entra en batalla, inicia el clima de mucha luz solar. Este clima permanece indefinidamente, hasta que sea remplazado por otro.

Gen 6: El clima dura 5 turnos (u 8 si lleva Roca Calor).

Chorro Arena

Sand Stream

Cuando el usuario entra en batalla, inicia el clima de tormenta de arena. Este clima permanece indefinidamente, hasta que sea remplazado por otro.

Gen 6: El clima dura 5 turnos (u 8 si lleva Roca Suave).


Snow Warning

Cuando el usuario entra en batalla, inicia el clima de granizada. Este clima permanece indefinidamente, hasta que sea remplazado por otro.

Gen 6: El clima dura 5 turnos (u 8 si lleva Roca Helada).



Cuando el usuario entra en batalla, un mensaje revelará el objeto que lleva el enemigo. Si hay varios enemigos con objetos, se seleccionará uno al azar (el mensaje no revela el nombre del Pokémon elegido, solo su objeto).

Gen 6: Todos los enemigos son cacheados, y todos son nombrados junto a su objeto.



Cuando el usuario entra en batalla, un mensaje avisará que el usuario "se estremece" si alguno de los rivales posee un movimiento de daño cuyo tipo sea super efectivo contra el usuario (ignorando los efectos de cambio de tipo), o si poseen un movimiento KO de un golpe.


Cuando el usuario entra en batalla, un mensaje mostrará el nombre del movimiento con mayor poder de base conocido por alguno de los enemigos (se elije un movimiento al azar si hay empate). A algunos movimientos de potencia variable se les asigna un valor en particular para realizar la validación.


Cuando el usuario entra en batalla, la habilidad del usuario es remplazada por la habilidad del rival (si hay varios rivales, se elije una al azar). Si el usuario no puede rastrear una habilidad inmediatamente (algunas no pueden ser rastreadas), se seguirá intentando hasta que se pueda rastrear una.


Cuando el usuario entra en batalla, se transforma en el rival directamente en frente suyo. Tiene el mismo efecto que el movimiento Transformación. Si no hay un rival justo al frente, no se transformará (incluso si hay otro rival).


Antes de que el usuario entre en batalla, la apariencia del usuario se convierte en la del último Pokémon del equipo del usuario. Copia el nombre (o apodo), si es variocolor, género y Poké Ball. La ilusión se rompe cuando el usuario recibe un daño por un movimiento, o si la habilidad es cambiada/negada. Solo es un cambio estético.


Cuando el usuario es cambiado por otro Pokémon, recupera 1/3 de sus PS máximos.
Cura Natural

Natural Cure

Cuando el usuario es cambiado por otro Pokémon o cuando termina la batalla estando en el campo, su estado es curado.

Se dispara al final del turno[]

Habilidad Efecto

Speed Boost

Al final de cada turno, sube 1 nivel la Velocidad del usuario.


Al final de cada turno, sube 2 niveles una estadística al azar y baja 1 nivel de otra. Se tienen en cuenta la precisión y la evasión. Esta habilidad no incrementará o bajará una estadística si ésta ya no puede incrementarse/bajarse.

Shed Skin

Al final de cada turno, hay 30% de probabilidades de curar el estado del usuario. Esto sucede justo antes de recibir el daño por quemadura o envenenamiento, evitando el daño en caso de curarse el estado.
Alma Cura


Al final de cada turno, hay 30% de probabilidades de curar el estado de un aliado del usuario. Esto sucede justo antes de recibir el daño por quemadura o envenenamiento, evitando el daño en caso de curarse el estado.
Mal Sueño

Bad Dreams

Al final de cada turno, todos los enemigos dormidos pierden 1/8 de sus PS máximos.


El usuario se cura de cualquier problema de estado al final de cada turno cuando llueve.
Piel Seca

Dry Skin

Al final de cada turno, el usuario gana 1/8 de sus PS máximos durante una lluvia, o pierde 1/8 si el sol pega fuerte. Los movimientos tipo fuego que golpeen al usuario hacen 25% más daño. El usuario es inmune a movimientos tipo agua, y si es golpeado por uno, es usuario recupera 1/4 de sus PS máximos en lugar de ser dañado.
Cura Lluvia

Rain Dish

El usuario recupera 1/16 de sus PS máximos al final de cada turno si está lloviendo.

Ice Body

El usuario recupera 1/16 de sus PS máximos al final de cada turno si está granizando. El usuario no es dañado por la granizada.


En batalla: Al final de cada turno, el usuario recoge el objeto llevado consumido más recientemente (usado tanto por su propio efecto o por Lanzamiento/Don Natural). Esta habilidad no puede recoger un objeto usado por el usuario, o uno usado por un Pokémon que ya no está en el campo (ni siquiera si ha sido cambiado y luego volvió). Tampoco sucede si el usuario ya lleva otro objeto. El objeto puede ser consumido inmediatamente.

Fuera de batalla: Al final de cada batalla que el jugador gana, hay 10% de probabilidades de que el usuario obtenga un objeto. El objeto es seleccionado al azar y depende del nivel del usuario (se muestra abajo una lista de los objetos posibles en Essentials). Esto ocurre incluso cuando el usuario no ha participado en la batalla o si está debilitado, y sólo si no está llevando ningún otro objeto.



Al final de cada turno, si el último objeto que el usuario ha consumido (o usado con Lanzamiento/Don Natural) en esta batalla era una baya, hay 50% de probabilidades de restaurarla (o 100% en día soleado). Ésto no ocurre si el usuario ya está llevando otro objeto. La baya puede ser consumida inmediatamente.

Se dispara tras recibir un movimiento[]

Habilidad Efecto

Anger Point

Cuando el usuario recibe un golpe crítico, el nivel de su Ataque sube a +6.


Cuando una de las estadísticas del usuario es reducida por un rival, sube 2 niveles el Ataque del usuario. Esta habilidad se activa una sola vez por cada estadística diferente reducida.


Cuando el usuario retrocede, sube 1 nivel su Velocidad.
Armadura Frágil

Weak Armor

Cuando el usuario es golpeado por un movimiento físico, baja 1 nivel su Defense y sube 1 nivel su Velocidad. Aplica para todos los golpes de un movimiento de varios golpes.


Cuando el usuario es golpeado por un movimiento tipo Siniestro, sube 1 nivel su Ataque. Aplica para todos los golpes de un movimiento de varios golpes.


Cuando el usuario es golpeado por un movimiento tipo Siniestro, Bicho o Fantasma, sube 1 nivel su Velocidad.


Cuando el usuario debilita a un Pokémon por daño directo, sube 1 nivel su Ataque.
Cuerpo Maldito

Cursed Body

Cuando un Pokémon golpea al usuario con un movimiento, hay 30% de probabilidades de que ese movimiento sea anulado. Aplica para todos los golpes de un movimiento de varios golpes. Aplica incluso si el usuario es debilitado.
Gran Encanto

Cute Charm

En batalla: Cuando un Pokémon golpea al usuario con un movimiento de contacto, hay 30% de probabilidades de que el atacante caiga enamorado del usuario (si es del género opuesto). Aplica para todos los golpes de un movimiento de varios golpes.

Fuera de batalla: Si el usuario está en el primer lugar del equipo (aunque esté debilitado), la proporción de encuentros con Pokémon salvajes de género opuesto al del usuario será de 2:1 respecto de los del mismo género (independientemente de la proporción de género definido para la especie del encuentro). Esto ocurre sólo si el Pokémon del encuentro puede tener ambos géneros y si el usuario tiene género.

Punto Tóxico

Poison Point

Cuando un Pokémon golpea al usuario con un movimiento de contacto, hay 30% de probabilidades de que el atacante quede envenenado. Aplica para todos los golpes de un movimiento de varios golpes. Aplica incluso si el usuario es debilitado.
Elec. Estática


En batalla: Cuando un Pokémon golpea al usuario con un movimiento de contacto, hay 30% de probabilidades de que el atacante quede paralizado. Aplica para todos los golpes de un movimiento de varios golpes. Aplica incluso si el usuario es debilitado.

Fuera de batalla: Si el usuario está en el primer lugar del equipo (aunque esté debilitado), hay 50% de probabilidades de que el Pokémon del encuentro tenga un tipo Eléctrico. Aplica si en la zona pueden aparecer Pokémon de tipo Eléctrico.

Efecto Espora

Effect Spore

When a Pokémon hits the bearer with a move that makes contact, 30% chance of the attacker becoming paralysed/poisoned/asleep (equal chance of each). Applies to each hit of multi-hit moves. Applies even if the bearer is fainted.
Cuerpo Llama

Flame Body

En batalla: When a Pokémon hits the bearer with a move that makes contact, 30% chance of the attacker becoming burned. Applies to each hit of multi-hit moves. Applies even if the bearer is fainted.

Fuera de batalla: Eggs hatch twice as fast if the bearer is in the party. This effect does not stack with itself or Magma Armor.

Piel Tosca

Rough Skin

When a Pokémon hits the bearer with a move that makes contact, the attacker loses 1/8 of its maximum HP. Applies to each hit of multi-hit moves. Applies even if the bearer is fainted.
Punta Acero

Iron Barbs

When a Pokémon hits the bearer with a move that makes contact, the attacker loses 1/8 of its maximum HP. Applies to each hit of multi-hit moves. Applies even if the bearer is fainted.


When a Pokémon hits the bearer with a move that makes contact, the bearer steals the attacker's held item (if the bearer has no item itself). Doesn't apply if either Pokémon has a substitute.


When a Pokémon hits the bearer with a move that makes contact, the attacker's ability becomes Mummy. Applies to each hit of multi-hit moves. Applies even if the bearer is fainted.


En batalla: When the bearer hits a Pokémon with a move, 10% chance of making the target flinch this turn. This effect doesn't stack with King's Rock or Razor Fang.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), halves the wild encounter rate.

Toque Tóxico

Poison Touch

When the bearer hits a Pokémon with a move that makes contact, 30% chance of poisoning the target. Applies to each hit of multi-hit moves.


En batalla: When the bearer is inflicted with a burn, paralysis or poison (including bad poison) by another Pokémon, that Pokémon is also given the same status problem (if possible).

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), 50% chance that wild Pokémon will have the same nature as the bearer.



When the bearer is knocked out by another Pokémon's move that makes contact, that Pokémon loses 1/4 of its maximum HP.
Cambio Color

Color Change

When the bearer is damaged by a move, the bearer's types become that move's type. Occurs after all hits of multi-hit moves.

Multiplicadores de estadísticas[]

Habilidad Efecto
Flare Boost The bearer's Special Attack is boosted by 50% while it is burned.
Guts The bearer's Attack is boosted by 50% while it has a non-volatile status problem. The bearer's Attack isn't lowered by a burn.
Marvel Scale The bearer's Defense is boosted by 50% while it has a non-volatile status problem.
Quick Feet En batalla: The bearer's Speed is boosted by 50% while it has a non-volatile status problem. The bearer's Speed isn't lowered by paralysis.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), halves the wild encounter rate.

Toxic Boost The bearer's Attack is boosted by 50% while it is poisoned.
Tangled Feet The bearer's evasion is boosted by 20% while it is confused.
Hustle En batalla: The bearer's Attack is boosted by 50%, and its accuracy with physical moves is lowered by 20%.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), 50% chance of a wild Pokémon being a higher level.

Pure Power The bearer's Attack is doubled.
Huge Power The bearer's Attack is doubled.
Compoundeyes En batalla: The bearer's accuracy is boosted by 30%.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), wild Pokémon have 60%/20%/5% chance to be holding a common/uncommon/rare item.

Unburden After the bearer loses its held item, its Speed is doubled. This only applies while the bearer has no held item.
Slow Start The bearer's Attack and Speed are halved for the first 5 turns it is in battle. This effect is reset if the bearer switches out.
Defeatist The bearer's Attack and Special Attack are halved while it is at or less than half of its maximum HP.
Victory Star The bearer's accuracy is boosted by 10%. The bearer's ally's accuracy (in double battles) is boosted by 10%. This effect stacks with itself.
Plus The bearer's Special Attack is boosted by 50% while the bearer's ally has the ability Plus or Minus.
Minus The bearer's Special Attack is boosted by 50% while the bearer's ally has the ability Plus or Minus.
Chlorophyll The bearer's Speed is doubled in sunny weather.
Swift Swim The bearer's Speed is doubled in rain weather.
Sand Rush The bearer's Speed is doubled in sandstorm weather. The bearer takes no damage from sandstorm weather.
Solar Power The bearer's Special Attack is boosted by 50% in sunny weather. At the end of each turn, the bearer loses 1/8 of its maximum HP in sunny weather.
Sand Veil En batalla: The bearer's evasion is boosted by 25% in sandstorm weather. The bearer takes no damage from sandstorm weather.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), halves the wild encounter rate in sandstorms.

Snow Cloak En batalla: The bearer's evasion is boosted by 25% in hail weather. The bearer takes no damage from hail weather.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), halves the wild encounter rate in blizzards.

Flower Gift The bearer's Attack and Special Defense are boosted by 50% in sunny weather. The bearer's ally's Attack and Special Defense are boosted by 50% in sunny weather. This effect doesn't stack with itself.

Multiplicador de potencia de movimientos[]

Habilidad Efecto
Blaze The power of the bearer's Fire-type moves is boosted by 50% while the bearer is at or less than 1/3 of its maximum HP.
Overgrow The power of the bearer's Grass-type moves is boosted by 50% while the bearer is at or less than 1/3 of its maximum HP.
Torrent The power of the bearer's Water-type moves is boosted by 50% while the bearer is at or less than 1/3 of its maximum HP.
Swarm En batalla: The power of the bearer's Bug-type moves is boosted by 50% while the bearer is at or less than 1/3 of its maximum HP.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), increases the wild encounter rate by 50%.

Sand Force The power of the bearer's Rock-, Ground- and Steel-type moves is boosted by 30% in sandstorm weather. The bearer takes no damage from sandstorm weather.
Iron Fist The power of the bearer's punching moves is boosted by 20%.
Reckless The power of the bearer's recoil-inflicting moves (except Struggle) and crash-damaging moves is boosted by 20%.
Rivalry The power of the bearer's moves are boosted by 25% if used against a Pokémon of the same gender as the bearer, and lowered by 25% if used against a Pokémon of the opposite gender to the bearer. If either the bearer or the target are genderless, this ability does nothing.
Sheer Force The power of the bearer's moves are boosted by 30% if they have a secondary effect (i.e. they have a non-zero added effect probability, even if that value is 100%), and those effects are ignored. Moves affected by this ability also don't trigger the effects of Red Card, Eject Button, Shell Bell and Life Orb's recoil damage.
Technician The power of the bearer's moves are boosted by 50% if their (calculated) base power is 60 or less.
Tinted Lens The power of the bearer's moves is doubled if they are not very effective against the foe.
Sniper The power of the bearer's moves is boosted by 50% if they are critical hits.
Analytic The power of the bearer's moves is boosted by 30% if the target acted before the bearer this round.

Resists stat changes or status problems[]

Habilidad Efecto
Big Pecks The bearer's Defense cannot be lowered (except if self-inflicted).
Hyper Cutter The bearer's Attack cannot be lowered (except if self-inflicted).
Keen Eye En batalla: The bearer's accuracy cannot be lowered (except if self-inflicted).

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), 50% chance that a wild Pokémon that would appear won't, if its level is lower than the bearer's and the difference is 5 or more.

Clear Body The bearer's stats cannot be lowered (except if self-inflicted).
White Smoke En batalla: The bearer's stats cannot be lowered (except if self-inflicted).

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), halves the wild encounter rate.

Immunity En batalla: The bearer cannot become poisoned. The bearer is cured of poison if it becomes poisoned.

Fuera de batalla: The bearer doesn't take poison damage from walking around.

Magma Armor En batalla: The bearer cannot become frozen. The bearer is cured of its freeze if it becomes frozen.

Fuera de batalla: Eggs hatch twice as fast if the bearer is in the party. This effect does not stack with itself or Flame Body.

Limber The bearer cannot become paralysed. The bearer is cured of paralysis if it becomes paralysed.
Insomnia The bearer cannot fall asleep or be affected by Yawn. The bearer is cured of its sleep if it falls asleep. The move Rest will fail if used by the bearer.
Vital Spirit En batalla: The bearer cannot fall asleep or be affected by Yawn. The bearer is cured of its sleep if it falls asleep. The move Rest will fail if used by the bearer.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), 50% chance of a wild Pokémon being a higher level.

Water Veil The bearer cannot become burned. The bearer is cured of its burn if it becomes burned.
Own Tempo The bearer cannot become confused. The bearer is cured of its confusion if it becomes confused.
Oblivious The bearer cannot become infatuated. The bearer is cured of its infatuation if it becomes infatuated. The bearer is not affected by the move Captivate.

Gen 6: Also, the bearer is not affected by the move Taunt. The bearer is cured of its taunt if it becomes taunted.

Inner Focus The bearer cannot be made to flinch.
Leaf Guard In sunny weather, the bearer cannot obtain a non-volatile status problem.

Inmunidad o resistencia a movimientos[]

Habilidad Efecto
Flash Fire The bearer is immune to Fire-type moves. If hit by one, the power of all the bearer's Fire-type moves from then on is boosted by 50% (this boost does not stack).
Storm Drain The bearer is immune to Water-type moves. If hit by one, increases the bearer's Special Attack by 1 stage. If another Pokémon uses a Water-type move against a single target that isn't the bearer, the bearer becomes the target. Water-type moves used against the target have perfect accuracy for that attack.
Water Absorb The bearer is immune to Water-type moves. If hit by one, the bearer is healed by 1/4 of its maximum HP.
Lightningrod The bearer is immune to Electric-type moves. If hit by one, increases the bearer's Special Attack by 1 stage. If another Pokémon uses a Electric-type move against a single target that isn't the bearer, the bearer becomes the target. Electric-type moves used against the target have perfect accuracy for that attack.
Motor Drive The bearer is immune to Electric-type moves. If hit by one, increases the bearer's Speed by 1 stage.
Volt Absorb The bearer is immune to Electric-type moves. If hit by one, the bearer is healed by 1/4 of its maximum HP.
Sap Sipper The bearer is immune to Grass-type moves. If hit by one, increases the bearer's Attack by 1 stage.

Gen 6: This ability is triggered by an ally's Aromatherapy. Prior to Gen 6, Aromatherapy did not trigger this ability.

Levitate The bearer is immune to damaging Ground-type moves (except Thousand Arrows), damage from Sky Drop and entry hazards (except Stealth Rock).
Soundproof The bearer is immune to sound-based moves.
Battle Armor The chance of a move used against the bearer being a critical hit is 0.
Shell Armor The chance of a move used against the bearer being a critical hit is 0.
Rock Head The bearer is immune to recoil damage (except from Struggle and Shadow moves).
Telepathy The bearer is immune to damaging moves used by the bearer's ally.
Sturdy The bearer is immune to OHKO moves. Also, if an attack against the bearer would KO it from full HP, the bearer survives the attack with 1HP instead (like Focus Sash).
Wonder Guard The bearer is immune to damaging moves that aren't super-effective against the bearer.
Heatproof The power of Fire-type moves used against the bearer is halved. Also, the bearer only takes half the usual damage from being burned.
Thick Fat The power of Ice-type and Fire-type moves used against the bearer is halved.
Solid Rock The bearer takes 25% less damage from super-effective moves that hit it.
Filter The bearer takes 25% less damage from super-effective moves that hit it.
Multiscale The bearer takes half damage from moves that hit it while the bearer is at full HP.
Friend Guard The bearer's ally takes 25% less damage from attacks that hit the ally.

Inmunidad o resistencia a otros efectos[]

Habilidad Efecto
Magic Guard The bearer is immune to damage inflicted by effects (e.g. weather, entry hazards, Leech Seed, being burned/poisoned). Any other effects (e.g. being trapped) are not resisted.
Overcoat The bearer is immune to damage inflicted by weather (i.e. sandstorm and hail).

Gen 6: The bearer is also immune to powder-based moves, as well as the ability Effect Spore.

Modificadores de otros efectos y mecánica[]

Habilidad Efecto
Simple All changes to the bearer's stat stages are doubled.
Poison Heal If the bearer is poisoned, the bearer is not hurt by poison damage but instead is healed by 1/8 of its maximum HP.
Early Bird If the bearer falls asleep, the preset length of time it will remain asleep is halved (rounding down).
Liquid Ooze If the bearer's HP is drained by an attack or Leech Seed, the Pokémon that would gain the drained HP is instead damaged by that same amount.
Air Lock All effects of weather are negated. The weather itself still occurs, though.
Cloud Nine All effects of weather are negated. The weather itself still occurs, though.
Sticky Hold En batalla: The bearer's held item cannot be stolen or dropped.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), increases the bite chance and speed for fishing encounters.

Gluttony The bearer will consume certain berries while it is at or less than half of its maximum HP. The berries affected are the 9 which are normally only consumed when at or less than a quarter of the holder's maximum HP.
Unnerve The bearer's foes cannot consume their held berries or use the move Natural Gift or Fling (if they would fling a berry).
Klutz The effects of the bearer's held item are negated. The bearer cannot consume its held item, and cannot use the moves Fling or Natural Gift. The bearer won't get the effect of a berry eaten by Bug Bite/Pluck (but will still eat it). The items Exp Share/Power Weight/Amulet Coin and similar are unaffected. Iron Ball still lowers Speed.
Run Away The bearer can always flee from battle, ignoring the escape calculation. Doesn't affect whether the bearer can switch with another party Pokémon.
Suction Cups En batalla: The bearer cannot be forced to switch out or flee by a foe's move.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), increases the bite chance and speed for fishing encounters.

Shadow Tag The bearer's foes cannot switch out or flee (unless they also have this ability).
Arena Trap En batalla: The bearer's non-airborne foes cannot switch out or flee.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), doubles the wild encounter rate.

Magnet Pull En batalla: The bearer's Steel-type foes cannot switch out or flee.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), 50% chance to make a wild encounter be with a Steel-type Pokémon (if that encounter could produce a Steel-type Pokémon).

Mold Breaker Negates the effects of all abilities that could affect the damage or effect of the bearer's moves.
Teravolt Negates the effects of all abilities that could affect the damage or effect of the bearer's moves.
Turboblaze Negates the effects of all abilities that could affect the damage or effect of the bearer's moves.
Pressure En batalla: Moves that hit the bearer lose 2PP instead of 1.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), 50% chance of a wild Pokémon being a higher level.

Truant The bearer skips every other turn. It will always be able to move immediately after waking up.
Stall The bearer moves last in its priority bracket, regardless of speed. This ignores Trick Room, and is overridden by Quick Claw and Custap Berry.
Unaware When the bearer uses a move, it ignores the target's Defense, Special Defense and evasion stat changes. When the bearer is attacked, that move ignores the attacker's Attack, Special Attack and accuracy stat changes.
Contrary When one or more of the bearer's stats are changed, that change is the opposite of what it normally does (i.e. increase instead of decrease, and vice versa). This ability is ignored by Mold Breaker, Teravolt and Turboblaze.
Scrappy The type immunity of the bearer's moves against the Ghost-type is ignored (i.e. the bearer's Normal-type and Fighting-type moves can hit Ghost-type Pokémon.
Serene Grace Doubles the chance of the additional effect of a bearer's damaging move occurring.
Shield Dust Negates all additional effects of damaging moves that affect the bearer (i.e. the move just does damage).
Skill Link The bearer's multi-hit moves always hit the maximum number of times.
Super Luck The chance of a bearer's move being a critical hit is increased by 1 stage.
Damp No Pokémon can self-destruct, and the ability Aftermath is negated.
Adaptability The STAB for the bearer's moves is 2x rather than 1.5x.
No Guard En batalla: The bearer's moves and moves targeting the bearer will always hit. This applies even if the bearer's target is semi-invulnerable (e.g. using Fly).

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), doubles the wild encounter rate.

Normalize The bearer's moves become Normal-type. This does not affect Hidden Power, Judgment, Natural Gift, Techno Blast and Weather Ball.
Wonder Skin Makes the accuracy of all foes' status moves that target the bearer 50%. This check happens after other accuracy-changing effects (e.g. Compoundeyes), and only applies if the resulting accuracy is higher than 50%. Does not affect evasion.
Infiltrator The bearer's moves ignore the foe's Light Screen, Mist, Reflect and Safeguard.

Gen 6: The bearer's moves also bypass a target's Substitute.

Prankster Increases the priority of the bearer's status moves by 1. The priority increase is ignored for the purpose of Quick Guard.

Gen 6: The priority increase now counts for Quick Guard's effect.


Habilidad Efecto
Illuminate En batalla: No effect.

Fuera de batalla: If the bearer is at the front of the party (even if it is fainted), doubles the wild encounter rate.

Honey Gather En batalla: No effect.

Fuera de batalla: After each battle that the player wins, X% chance of the bearer gaining Honey as a held item. X is 5 + ((bearer's level - 1)/10).floor * 5. This occurs even if the bearer didn't battle or if it is fainted, and only if it isn't holding anything.

Magic Bounce Reflects effects of status ailment-inflicting moves back at the originator. Activates max once per turn. Reflects the same things that the move Magic Coat does.
Heavy Metal Doubles the bearer's weight.
Light Metal Halves the bearer's weight.

Cambios de forma[]

If a Pokémon transforms (via Transform or Imposter) into a target with a form-changing ability, that Pokémon will transform into the target's current form and remain that way, regardless of any rules about which form it should be. In other words, transformed Pokémon are form-locked.

Habilidad Efecto
Forecast Changes the bearer's form to match the weather. The bearer's type and sprite are changed. Only works if the bearer is Castform and it hasn't transformed.
Multitype Changes the bearer's form depending on its held Plate. The bearer's type and sprite are changed. The Plate cannot be removed from the bearer by any means (but non-Plate items can be used/lost as normal). Only works if the bearer is Arceus and it hasn't transformed.
Zen Mode Changes the bearer's form depending on its HP. The bearer's base stats, type and sprite are changed. Only works if the bearer is Darmanitan and it hasn't transformed.

Gen 6[]

Habilidad Efecto
Primordial Sea When the bearer enters battle, starts heavy rain weather. It lasts as long as the bearer remains in battle. It has the same effects as rain weather, and also causes all damaging Fire-type moves and weather-inducing moves to fail. Other weather-inducing abilities will not work, except for Desolate Land and Delta Stream.
Desolate Land When the bearer enters battle, starts extremely harsh sunny weather. It lasts as long as the bearer remains in battle. It has the same effects as sunny weather, and also causes all damaging Water-type moves and weather-inducing moves to fail. Other weather-inducing abilities will not work, except for Primordial Sea and Delta Stream.
Delta Stream When the bearer enters battle, starts windy weather. It lasts as long as the bearer remains in battle. Moves that are super-effective against the Flying type instead do 1x damage against it. Also, it causes all weather-inducing moves to fail. Other weather-inducing abilities will not work, except for Primordial Sea and Desolate Land.
Magician When the bearer hits a Pokémon with a move, the bearer steals the target's held item (if the bearer has no item itself). Doesn't apply if either Pokémon has a substitute.
Gooey When a Pokémon hits the bearer with a move that makes contact, lowers the attacker's Speed by 1 stage. Applies to each hit of multi-hit moves. Applies even if the bearer is fainted.
Protean When the bearer uses a move, changes the bearer's type(s) to that move's type. Considers effects that would change the move's type. If the move would call another move, the called move's type is considered instead of the calling move's.
Grass Pelt The bearer's Defense is boosted by 50% while Grassy Terrain is in effect.
Strong Jaw The power of the bearer's biting moves is boosted by 50%.
Mega Launcher The power of the bearer's pulse and aura moves is boosted by 50%. The bearer's Heal Pulse will heal 75% of the maximum HP rather than 50%.
Tough Claws The power of the bearer's moves that make contact is boosted by 33%.
Dark Aura The power of all Dark-type moves used by any Pokémon is increased by 33%. If a Pokémon with Aura Break is in battle, the power of these moves is decreased by 33% instead.
Fairy Aura The power of all Fairy-type moves used by any Pokémon is increased by 33%. If a Pokémon with Aura Break is in battle, the power of these moves is decreased by 33% instead.
Aura Break The effects of the abilities Dark Aura and Fairy Aura are reversed.
Sweet Veil The bearer and its ally cannot fall asleep or be affected by Yawn. The bearer and ally cured of their sleep if they fall asleep. The move Rest will fail if used by the bearer or its ally.
Flower Veil All Grass-type Pokémon on the bearer's side cannot obtain a non-volatile status problem, or fall asleep if affected by Yawn. Also, their stats cannot be lowered (except if self-inflicted).
Bulletproof The bearer is immune to bomb moves.
Aroma Veil The bearer and its ally are immune to the moves Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt and Torment. These moves fail when used against an immune Pokémon.
Fur Coat The power of physical moves used against the bearer is halved. This effect also applies to Psyshock, Psystrike and Secret Sword.
Competitive When one of the bearer's stats is lowered by a foe, increases the bearer's Special Attack by 2 stages. This ability activates once for each different stat lowered.
Cheek Pouch When the bearer consumes a berry (either by itself or by using Bug Bite/Pluck or when another Pokémon flings a berry at it), it is healed by 1/3 of its maximum HP.
Symbiosis When the bearer's partner consumes an item (either by itself or by using Fling/Natural Gift/Bug Bite/Pluck), the bearer immediately gives its held item to its partner.
Parental Bond The bearer's damaging moves that can only target one Pokémon hit twice, with the second hit being half as powerful. This applies to moves that normally have a single target, as well as moves that normally have multiple targets but can only target one Pokémon (e.g. Earthquake in single battles, or when all but one potential target is fainted). This does not apply to moves which already hit more than once, neither does it apply to moves which require charging before use. It also does not apply to Endeavor, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fling or Selfdestruct.
Aerilate The bearer's Normal-type moves become Flying-type, and the power of these affected moves is boosted by 30%.
Refrigerate The bearer's Normal-type moves become Ice-type, and the power of these affected moves is boosted by 30%.
Pixilate The bearer's Normal-type moves become Fairy-type, and the power of these affected moves is boosted by 30%.
Gale Wings Increases the priority of the bearer's Flying-type moves by 1. The priority increase is ignored for the purpose of Quick Guard. The move's type is considered to be the original type, not a modified type due to abilities or other effects (e.g. Judgment is considered Normal-type regardless of the Plate being held).

Gen 6: The priority increase now counts for Quick Guard's effect.

Stance Change Changes the bearer's form depending on the move it uses. The bearer's base stats and sprite are changed. Only works if the bearer is Aegislash and it hasn't transformed.

Objetos de Recogida[]

The items that the ability Pickup can produce are listed in def Kernel.pbPickup in the script section PField_Field. They are listed in two groups: the common items and the rare items. They are the items available from Pickup in the games Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

Nivel inicial Objeto común Objeto raro
1-10 Potion Hyper Potion
11-20 Antidote Nugget
21-30 Super Potion King's Rock
31-40 Great Ball Full Restore
41-50 Repel Ether
51-60 Escape Rope Iron Ball
61-70 Full Heal Destiny Knot
71-80 Hyper Potion Elixir
81-90 Ultra Ball Destiny Knot
91+ Revive Leftovers
Rare Candy Destiny Knot
Sun Stone
Moon Stone
Heart Scale
Full Restore
Max Revive
Max Elixir

The items to be chosen from, and their rarities, depend on the Pokémon's level.

Nine items are chosen from the list of common items, starting with the one corresponding to the appropriate start level, and taking the eight items listed after that in order. These nine items, in turn, have rarities of 30%, 10%, 10%, 10%, 10%, 10%, 10%, 4% and 4% (98% total).

Two further items are chosen from the list of rare items, again, starting with the one corresponding to the appropriate start level, and taking the item after that as well. Each of these two items have a rarity of 1%.

The rarity of each item is listed in the array randlist. It is highly unlikely you would want to change these probabilities, as any change would be virtually unnoticeable to the player considering how much Pickup would have to be used in order to see the altered probabilities.

For example, a Pokémon of level 56 would choose the Escape Rope (30%), Full Heal to Sun Stone (10% each), Moon Stone (4%) and Heart Scale (4%), and finally the Iron Ball (1%) and Destiny Knot (1%).

A level higher than 100 is treated as a level of 100 for this ability, which is why the table above gives the final start level as "91+" rather than "91-100".
